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Chiropractic in the Greek means, “Done by hand” and was founded in 1895 by Daniel David (DD) Palmer. DD Palmer pioneered this health philosophy after reportedly restoring the hearing of a janitor who had gone deaf following an injury to his spine. Currently there are over 70,000 licensed Chiropractors in the United States and Chiropractic is recognized around the world as a health care profession.   Read more about the founding of Chiropractic.


Central to Chiropractic philosophy is that the body posses an innate intelligence. This innate intelligence affords the body to maintain proper function and promote healing. This is accomplished through control mechanisms, hailing from the brain and spinal cord, that are communicated by the nervous system throughout the body to maintain health and balance. Disease, pain, and dysfunction arise when interference distorts the communication passing through the spinal column. Chiropractors call this interference “Subluxation”. Chiropractic is about correcting these subluxations so that the body can begin healing. Since Chiropractic’s founding, the understanding of what a subluxation is has expanded from the misalignment of spinal vertebrae and associated structures to include biochemical imbalances that interfere with nervous communication through the spinal column. Inherent in Chiropractic philosophy is the goal to treat the cause to relieve the symptoms rather than only treating the symptoms.


The Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) is a primary care provider with exhaustive training in anatomy and physiology, radiology, and nutrition. A Chiropractor will assess the patient’s health by examining their medical history and employing a variety of diagnostic techniques including x-ray to diagnose and treat the cause of the patients infirmity. A Chiropractic care plan is the integration of manual therapeutic techniques, nutritional counseling, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

What is Chiropractic?: Our Services
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